1. GWEX::dailyPrecipGWEX
    daily observations of precipitation data
    matrix|3652 x
  2. GWEX::dailyTemperGWEX
    daily observations of temperature data
    matrix|3652 x
  3. QUALYPSO::X_globaltas
    Annual warming levels simulated by different CMIP5 GCMs
  4. QUALYPSO::X_time_mat
    Years 1971-2099 repeated for the 20 scenarios
  5. QUALYPSO::X_time_vec
    X_time_vec gives the years corr. to Y, i.e. from 1971 to 2099
  6. QUALYPSO::Xfut_globaltas
    Vector of of future warming levels
  7. QUALYPSO::Xfut_time
    Xfut_time is a vector of 11 years equally spaced from 1999 to 2099
    Mean winter temperature over CEU with 20 GCM/RCM combinations for 1971-2099
  9. QUALYPSO::scenAvail
    List of GCM and RCM which have been used for the 20 climate projections